As an aside...

Kenbe La Foundation
The Kenbe La Foundation was established in the memory of Emily Sanson-Rejouis' husband and two daughters who died in the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. Kenbe La means ‘Never Give Up’ in Haitian Creole. With a focus on sports, music, leadership and entrepreneurship, it aims to develop self-confidence in children and enable access to valuable life-skills.
In lieu of wedding presents, we asked people to donate money to this foundation. We will be in Haiti from 20th June until 20th July working at a school that is supported by the Kenbe La Foundation.
“Union Fait La Force” – United We Stand.

Chasing Serendipity
Susan was one of our inspirations for our trip. She has also been a guide and mentor in the past few weeks, helping us with the set up process.

From Chile to Texas on a Small Motorcycle
Little bike, big trip!

South American Mini Tour
Two great Aussies we met in Chilecito are cycling around South America. Their fitness put us to shame!
Castillo Surfista Hostel
This was a truely wonderful place to stay in Santiago. The hosts, Jonathan (an American surfer) and Valentina are lovely, the rooms are really comfortable and clean, and they have great weekend BBQs inviting their Chilean friends around for you to meet. They are both very helpful with advice on the city and wider area. We thoroughly enjoyed our stay there!

Vocations for Orphans
Dale, Sandi, Annette and other volunteers are building a vocational training centre and accommodation for school leaver orphans in the mountains near Vicuna, Chile.

Rancho Elquino
Great camp ground in Vicuna, Chile.

Hostal Los Juncos
Ranch style hostel en route to Paso Libertadores between Chile and Argentina (near Los Andes).

Hostal Maria Casa
WONDERFUL place to stay in La Serena - the hosts, Pancho and Maria, are absolutely lovely, helpful and very welcoming.

Arica Surfhouse
Great atmosphere, and lovely staff who took phonecalls and messages for us while we were trying to sell our motorbikes.

La Chakana
Probably one of the most beautiful places we have stayed ever, due to the stunning sunset view over the valley in Putre, near the northern border crossing between Chile and Bolivia. The best breakfast too!

Hotel Osira
A bit of a splurge in La Paz Bolivia, but it's worth it for the lovely view over Plaza Sucre and great service. And a splurge in Bolivia is not much more than a camp site in NZ!

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